If you need a publish/subscribe or job server at any point in your project, try using Postgres. It'll give you lots of data integrity and performance guarantees, and it doesn't require you or your team learning any new technology.
If you're making any project of sufficient complexity, you'll need a publish/subscribe server to process events. This article will introduce you to Postgres, explain the alternatives, and walk you through an example use case of pub/sub and its solution.
Postgres is an amazing relational database
If you aren't too familiar with Postgres, it's a feature-packed relational database that many companies use as a traditional central data store. By storing your "users" table in Postgres, you can immediately scale to 100 columns and a row for every living person.
It's possible to scale Postgres to storing a billion 1KB rows entirely in memory - This means you could quickly run queries against the full name of everyone on the planet on commodity hardware and with little fine-tuning.
I'm not going to belabor the point that something called "PostgresSQL" is a good SQL database. I'll show you a more interesting use case for it where we combine a few features to turn Postgres into a powerful pubsub / job server.
Postgres makes a great persistent pubsub server
If you do enough system design, you'll inevitably need to solve a problem with publish/subscribe architecture. We hit it quickly at webapp.io - we needed to keep the viewers of a test run's page and the github API notified about a run as it progressed.
For your pub/sub server, you have a lot of options:
There are very few use cases where you'd need a dedicated pub/sub server like Kafka. Postgres can easily handle 10,000 insertions per second, and it can be tuned to even higher numbers. It's rarely a mistake to start with Postgres and then switch out the most performance critical parts of your system when the time comes.
Pub/sub + atomic operations ⇒ no job server necessary.
In the list above, I skipped things similar to pub/sub servers called "job queues" - they only let one "subscriber" watch for new "events" at a time, and keep a queue of unprocessed events:
It turns out that Postgres generally supersedes job servers as well. You can have your workers "watch" the "new events" channel and try to claim a job whenever a new one is pushed. As a bonus, Postgres lets other services watch the status of the events with no added complexity.
Our use case: CI runs processed by sequential workers
At webapp.io, we run "test runs", which start by cloning a repository, and then running some user specified tests. There are microservices that do various initialization steps for the test run, and additional microservices (such as the websocket gateway) that need to listen to the status of the runs.
An instance of an API server creates a run by inserting a row into the "Runs" row of a Postgres table:
CREATE TYPE ci_job_status AS ENUM ('new', 'initializing', 'initialized', 'running', 'success', 'error');
repository varchar(256),
status ci_job_status,
status_change_time timestamp
/*on API call*/
INSERT INTO ci_job_status(repository, status, status_change_time) VALUES ('https://github.com/colinchartier/layerci-color-test', 'new', NOW());
How do the workers worker "claim" a job? By setting the job status atomically:
UPDATE ci_jobs SET status='initializing'
WHERE id = (
FROM ci_jobs
WHERE status='new'
Finally, we can use a trigger and a channel to notify the workers that there might be new work available:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ci_jobs_status_notify()
RETURNS trigger AS
PERFORM pg_notify('ci_jobs_status_channel', NEW.id::text);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER ci_jobs_status
ON ci_jobs
EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_jobs_status_notify();
All the workers have to do is "listen" on this status channel and try to claim a job whenever a job's status changes:
tryPickupJob := make(chan interface{})
//equivalent to 'LISTEN ci_jobs_status_channel;'
go func() {
for event := range listener.Notify {
select {
case tryPickupJob <- true:
for job := range tryPickupJob {
//try to "claim" a job
When we combine these elements, we get something like the following:
This architecture scales to many sequential workers processing the job in a row, all you need is a "processing" state and a "processed" state for each worker. For webapp.io that looks like: new, initializing, initialized, running, complete.
It also allows other services to watch the ci_jobs_status_channel
- Our websocket gateway for the /run page and github notification services simply watch the channel and notify any relevant parties of the published events.
Other benefits of using Postgres for Pub/Sub
There are also a bunch of other benefits to using postgres instead of something like Redis Pub/Sub:
- Many SQL users will already have Postgres installed for use as a database, so there are no extra setup costs for using it for pub/sub.
- As a database, Postgres has very good persistence guarantees - It's easy to query "dead" jobs with, e.g.,
SELECT * FROM ci_jobs WHERE status='initializing' AND NOW() - status_change_time > '1 hour'::interval
to handle workers crashing or hanging. - Since jobs are defined in SQL, it's easy to generate graphql and protobuf representations of them (i.e., to provide APIs that checks the run status.)
- It's easy to have multiple watchers of status changes, you can have other services use the same "LISTEN ci_jobs_status_channel"
- Postgres has very good language support, with bindings for most popular languages. This is a stark difference from most other pub/sub servers.
- You can also run complicated SQL queries on things that are still in your "work queues" to give highly tailored API endpoints to your users.
If you need a publish/subscribe or job server at any point in your project, it's not a bad idea to start by using Postgres. It'll give you lots of data integrity and performance guarantees, and it doesn't require you or your team learning any new technology.
Discussion: reddit, hacker news
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